ExpertFlux Wikia

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What is Expert Flux

Expert flux is an exciting new way of creating software. Using images and arrows, icons and properties, you can create your own software without programming knowledge.

More about Expert Flux

Hi! My name is Paulo Egidio and I have a dream: Why common people can’t have a way to write their own software?

Even if you aren’t a carpenter, you could hammer a nail or two to repair a broker chair. Even if you aren’t a seamstress, you can use a sewing machine to mend clothes. And even if you aren’t a chef, you can make a reasonably decent meal. Well, at least some of us 

However, even the most intelligent human being can’t repair (or create) even a simple piece of software if he does not know a computer language.

For 30 years I’ve made tools that allowed me to get nearer and nearer my goal.

Expert Flux started in 2005, built upon code I’ve written in other softwares. Layer upon layer of knowledge is built in Expert Flux.

We are already using ExpertFlux to develop software. It is currently a tool from programmers to programmers. Our crowdfunding project consists in taking expert flux as it is today and extend it so it could be used by anyone who can make a spreadsheet. And use it to generate software that runs on internet browsers.

We are a very small (8 people) company in Brazil. Unfortunately, we had to stop delevopment due to lack of money. Today we use expert flux to create software for our customers and try to pay our bills. Every money earned here will be spent on development of expert flux.

Expert flux will be made available to anyone, for free, including the use of our cloud server to run the software made. People will be able to write their own software and sell it, even for companies, using our free server. But if it’s free, how we will make money so that we can continue to develop expert flux?

We will create dedicated servers for people who want more speed and/or more space to their users. We are planning to have very low cost servers, as low as $US$ 10/month.

But, always, (always !) all of expert flux capabilities will be exactly the same on free serves and on paid servers. So anyone who wants to start to write software, can start small, sell it to a user or two, and when things get bigger, they could move to a paid (and faster) server. Everyone wins.

Thank you for your time.

Paulo Egidio
